Budova Chrámu Chmele a Piva

Tour A

A guided tour includes the indoor exhibition of the Hop and Beer Temple and the Malt House Gallery.
Full admission: 180 CZK
Discounted admission: : 130 CZK
Family admission: : 430 CZK
Tour time: 90 min
Tours start every hour from 10:00 to 15:00.
Booking is recommended.
You will see the exhibition in the former hop warehouse, which consists of a labyrinth of hop bales, The Heraldic Hall, a mysterious alchemist's office and a hop treasure. Next, you can stop at the Hop Astronomical Clock, where you will find out whether you are going to beer hell or paradise and much more, all shown by the only hop astronomical clock in the world. Finally, you can visit the Malt House Gallery with an exhibition on malting, where you will learn how malt - the raw material for beer production - was made. Here you can also see examples of famous films that were shot in Žatec.
On sale all year round.
Budova Chmelařského muzea a Chmelový maják

Tour B

A combined ticket includes the indoor exhibition of the Hop & Beer Temple, the Malt House Gallery and the Hop Museum - the world's largest museum of its kind.
Full admission: 260 CZK
Discounted admission: : 180 CZK
Family admission: : 600 CZK
Tour time: 165 min
Tours start every hour from 10:00 to 15:00 in the Hop & Beer Temple.
Booking is recommended.
The combined ticket is not valid for tours and organised groups. The combined ticket is valid for two days.
On sale only from April to October.
Expozice sladovnictvní v renesanční Sladovně

Tour C

The tour includes the exhibitions in the Malt House Gallery (malting, Žatec In Film, The History of the Extraordinary Pencil, and the current art exhibition in the main gallery).
Full admission: 100 CZK
Discounted admission: : 80 CZK
Family admission: : 230 CZK
Tour time: 45 min
Reservations are not required for this tour.
You will see the exhibitions in the Renaissance and the oldest preserved Malt House dating back to the 16th century. There is a permanent exhibition of the History of Malt Production, Žatec In Film and the History of the Extraordinary Pencil with interactive elements. On the first floor, there is also the main gallery, where exhibitions by various artists are held several times a year.
On sale all year round only in the Sladovna (Malt House) Gallery.
Chmelový maják, doMinutenanta areálu

Tour D

Guided tour with 3D projection in the Hop Lighthouse.
Full admission: 150 CZK
Discounted admission: : 120 CZK
Family admission: : 360 CZK
Tour time: 20 min
Tours start every half hour from 10:00 to 16:30.
Reservations are not required for this tour.
Guided tour via a unique elevator with 3D projection. The Hop Lighthouse is the dominant feature of the entire complex of the technical monuments related to hop growing and serves several functions simultaneously. You will ride up to 2/3 of the height of the elevator and, at the same time, see the hop-growing town of Žatec with its hop-growing gems.
On sale only in the summer tourist season.
Pohled z dalekohledu na Chmelovém majáku

Tour E

Climbing up the Hop Lighthouse on foot. Binoculars can be loaned for a refundable deposit when you buy a ticket.
Full admission: 60 CZK
Discounted admission: : 50 CZK
Family admission: : 160 CZK
Tour time: it depends on you. 😊
Reservations are not required for this tour.
An independent tour of the dominant feature of the whole area, The Hop Lighthouse, with stops overlooking the hop-growing town of Žatec and its architecture. The journey to the top is physically demanding but well worth it.
On sale all year round.
Erbovní síň v Chrámu Chmele a Piva

Tour F

A guided tour includes the internal exhibition of the Hop & Beer Temple.
Full admission: 130 CZK
Discounted admission: : 100 CZK
Family admission: : 340 CZK
Tour time: 45 min Tour starts at 16:00.
Booking is recommended.
You will see the exhibition in the former hop warehouse, which consists of a labyrinth of hop bales, The Heraldic Hall, a secret alchemist's office and a hop treasure. Next, you will stop at the Hop Astrological Clock, where you will learn whether you will be going to beer hell or paradise and much more, all shown by the only hop astrological clock in the world.
On sale all year round.

Tour G

Tour of the Žatec (Saaz).
Admission: 100 CZK (Minimum 7 persons / maximum 21 persons.)
Tour time: 90 min
Reservation required 24 hours in advance.
Guided tour of the city - you will see all the interesting places and our hop heritage.
On sale all year round.
Muzeum Homolupulů

Museum of Homolupuluses

Do you know what homo lupulus is? It is an ancient civilization of sturdy men and gentle women, inhabiting the hop fields of the Žatec region, which gave the world the best hops, athletics, beer, the musical key, the seventh step and much more. You can pay homage to the remains of the oldest beer drinker in the world and discover your homolupul genes at the Museum of Homolupules in Žatec. You must experience it! God save the hops!
Booking is REQUIRED for the tour.
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